Just Plain Kitten

It's Kitten Being Kitten on the Internet.

How Not To Mail A Package

Posted on January 12, 2010 - Filed Under Kitten Being Kitten

I shared part of this story with Kaya, but here’s the whole thing…
Okay, so yesterday D. FINALLY took me to town to post the box of fun for Kaya. So I’m standing there, looking all “check other”, you know, like I sometimes do, since I cover my hair and wear weird not American looking Read more...

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Spam is a delicacy in Russia

Posted on January 12, 2010 - Filed Under Kitten Being Kitten

Remember when people used to say that all the time? Anyway… lately all my spam is in Russian. Anyone else getting that? I miss the ones that used to tell me how awesome my site was and how it was a great reference and they would be telling their “Freinds”.
So anyway, yesterday D.

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