Allergic to Ass Kissing
I was telling Master about some trouble I was having fitting in to a particular slave forum on. It’s been difficult for me. I have had a lot of trouble really feeling like I belong there and after reading some of the posts, especially the most recent ones, Master put his finger on the pulse of the issue. He said “Kitten, the issue is obvious, pet. You’re allergic to ass-kissing and it seems that this group requires well, a LOT of ass kissing.” You know what? To a certain degree, he’s right. And it’s not even that. Let me tell you what it is.. Here we go.
I have a really hard time taking orders from slaves. First off, I don’t really think a slave should be “in charge”. I think it sort of goes against the whole concept of slavery to give slaves absolute power, even over other slaves. Master agrees emphatically and didn’t like that I belonged to a group where a slave had the right to decide what others read, wrote, and how they participated, but agreed that I needed more interaction with other slaves so he allowed it. Secondly, I see all women as my equals. All of them. From the Queen herself is my equal. Except my mom… mommi is no one’s equal.. mommi is the tops and I salute her. Goddess bless her, she raised a headstrong sassy whip of a child who does not submit to the authority of anyone easily, much less women. ALL women are my equals. You say you’re a domme? Well, you’re still my equal. I’ll respect your chosen station in life, I’ll call you “ma’am” out of respect, but I can’t serve you and I can’t accept your authority over me because I really don’t think you have any If my boss happens to be a woman, she’s still my equal as a person. In station, she’s my boss. I’ll always separate the two. Now if a woman who limits or censor the actions of others is a slave, well, that’s just not going to fly for very long because she’s a slave and in my head, slaves don’t get absolute authority over anything, let alone over other slaves. Call it petty. Call it silly. Call it wrong. But slaves are slaves and while I don’t think slaves should be submissive to everyone, I don’t think they should assert themselves or hold power over those who are for all intents and purposes, their equals. They always read to me as faux-mini-dommes and that’s something I just detest on a personal level. The “Authority” of slave, to me, is an oxymoron of the highest degree. I can accept advice, help, honest friendship, and even mentoring from slaves, but I cannot accept orders, censorship or limitations on my activities from them. That’s my Master’s place and only his place. This thinking is why I don’t fit with that particular group.
Kitten, if you hate it so much why are you participating???
I don’t hate the group. I hate that a slave is in charge of the group. I didn’t say that I hate the slave in charge. I said I hate that a slave is in charge. Don’t get it twisted. I think that as a person, the moderator is probably a good person. I just can’t accept orders and censorship from her. I know she has a group to run, but it doesn’t change the fact that she’s a slave and I don’t take orders from slaves. This is not a petty silly power thing.? I’ve been in other groups that were run by slaves without the same level of censorship. and the groups ran smoothly. The excuse is of course that her Master wants her to do this. If her Master wants to put her in charge of something in their lives, that’s fine. I don’t that should be other slaves, especially without the permission of the owners of those slaves. It kind of oversteps. Not even kinda. It does overstep. Am I the only one who sees it? And secondly, I don’t participate. I kept trying to resolve it in myself and I really just couldn’t resolve it. After I talked to Master about it, he told me I had to leave the group and so I did and honestly, I’ll miss the interaction, but I don’t think I’ll miss the stress of trying to fit into someone else’s mold.