Kitten In Chains

    Loving Domestic Discipline


    The Illusion of Freedom October 2, 2025

    Filed under: Odalisque, Sacred & Divine — Kitten @ 8:12 am

    Recently, a fellow slave and I were discussing a Gothe quote that had evidently been a topic of discussion on a slave board to which she belongs. The quote inspired me to write about my current relationship and the level of slavery that exists for me therein. The quote was this. “None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free”.

    One can think of this quote in several ways, but this is how I interpret it. None of us are free. No one is free. Every human is bound to something whether it be our jobs, our political leanings, a Politically correct attitude that keeps us from being as true to ourselves as we would like. This is what the quote means. It suggests that people who do not accept their bondage to something in life are truly enslaved. They believe an illusion of freedom to be true freedom. Those people who look upon the state of the world and see past the illusion are the truly free. Simple.

    When applied to consensual slavery, the quote can lose a bit of its power because we as slaves are reluctant to refer to our Owners as “enslaved”, but according to Gothe, if our Owners do not accept that they are responsible for and thereby “bound” to their slaves in some way, they, even in their exalted position, are outside of freedom. There is no freedom in responsibility except the freedom that comes from accepting one’s responsibility completely. According to Gothe, it is only when a Master becomes completely aware of his power, his commitment to the complete enslavement of his property, and accepts the weight of the responsibility that comes from enslaving property that he actually has power to own a slave completely and decide her fate. This is the place where his true freedom begins. Until then, it is far too easy for the man to be influenced by what he should do, rather than what he wants to do.

    There is no freedom in slavery except the freedom that comes from accepting one’s slavery completely. As long as we believe that we are in some way in control of what happens in our lives, we are, in fact bound to an illusion and not to our Masters. When we accept that we have no ability to influence our Owners through our beauty, or grace, or pouting fits, and accept that they will not be swayed by subtle hints, grand gestures, or well meaning but unsolicited attentions, and also accept that there will be no, “topping from the bottom” in any way, shape, form, or fashion, that we can be free in our slavery and revel in what a grand thing it is to be completely owned.

    Here’s the rub:
    These truths must accepted both consciously and subconsciously in both our waking and reactive minds. This goes for both the Master and the slave. Insecurity in or nonacceptance of the reality of our positions will no doubt shake the trust that must be the foundation of an IE or TPE relationship, full stop. Both Master and slave must be of the same accord. It is not until a slave becomes completely aware that her Master has accepted fully his responsibilities as her master and Owner that she stops testing the water, so to speak, and is able to revel in her complete state of enslavement. This is when she becomes free. This is the first half of the equation. From here, her Master can control both her conscious her subconscious mind and truly explore the depths of his ownership of his property. When her subconscious mind, that is to say, her thoughts, feelings, and split second reactions to her Master flow along the same path as those of her conscious mind, she is completely his and he is able to fully own her. This is when HE becomes free to revel in his Mastery of his slave.

    He cannot completely control her, consciously and subconsciously until she decides that she will be owned in that way. She won’t decide that until he shows her that he is consciously and subconsciously aware of his ability to hold her without any chains, through his own power and that this ownership of her will be complete. This, to me, is the platform of Internal Enslavement.

    Now how does that apply to me? Well, I’m not there yet.

    I am not yet Internally Owned by my Master. He wishes do not yet control my subconscious mind. We just aren’t there yet. Working on it? Of course, but it takes time. It takes time to have blind faith in a person and when that person controls your fate, it can take any longer. I still second guess, but I obey in most things no matter what. I said most things because I subscribe to no illusion of perfection in my slavery. It does not exist. Even when I am fully consciously and subconsciously owned, it will not exist. I will never respond perfectly every time. No one will, no matter how deep the brainwashing or i.e. or pure devotion goes. We are human. We will fail on occasion or perhaps more often.

    I am not sure if I would want to be internally owned and some would say it is not my choice, but those people are wrong. Of course it is. I will have to consciously submit to every part of the process of my Internal Mastering before I am able to submit to it subconsciously and reach the goal of Internal Enslavement. The good thing is, I have a patient Master. He says this to me every time I rebel. “Don’t worry, Pet. I am patient. You will eventually submit.” I know this to be true and maybe that knowing is the building block of everything that is to come. I rebelled against Master’s desire for other slaves. If you’ve read this blog for long, you know that. Now, I have the same thoughts on it that he does. Did I change my mind or did he change my mind for me? I don’t know. It’s seamless. I know he is conquering me slowly but surely and while I used to, I no longer feel it as a lose of myself. I am becoming what he wants me to be. To me, this is all gain. Again, is this my thinking or is it his programming. I don’t know and moreover, it does not matter. A year ago, I could not have said that.

    Now when I read over what I just wrote, and especially read the last two paragraphs all together, the truth comes out, doesn’t it?? I had to read it again before I saw it.? I boldly said that “I am not yet internally owned by my Master.” I made bold statements about my ownership.? Obviously the rest of my next to the last paragraph makes mocks that cluster of free thinking statement, doesn’t it? I am internally owned.? I said something different but it seems my subconscious mind is always betraying me.? This is why Master smirks when I tell him that eventually I will submit fully to me. He knows that on many levels he already has me.? I can see it when I look for it, but looking for it is the hard part. Wow.. Who knew you could get all of that from a Gothe quote? Here’s another,

    “Treat an individual as he is, he will remain so. Treat an individual the way he can be and ought to be, and he will become as he can be and should be.” I think Master must have read that one.


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