Kitten In Chains

    Loving Domestic Discipline


    Sick, Sick, Girl November 14, 2025

    Filed under: Just Kitten — Kitten @ 12:25 am

    I’m a sick, sick, girl and I don’t mean that in the good way. Master spent 5 hours in ER with me yesterday and I came home with delicious narcotic cough syrup and anti-nausea meds and a lovely trendy plastic bracelet with my name on it. Yay!   During the whole time, Master didn’t want to leave my side. He went with me to x-ray, he stayed with me the entire time I was being treated and was right outside the door telling me he loved me while I got my film done.  It’s so great to have that kind of care.  Women who aren’t owned or aren’t cared for in this way are really missing out.  If a good man is hard to find, then a good Master or dominant must be a near impossibility.  I did find one and I’m not letting him go and hopefully, he won’t let me go either.

    I’m sick and on lots of meds so if you chat me up, beware.  I may not have any idea what I’m talking about…and I might not remember that we even spoke.  But I can tell you, it’ll be fun. Ask Master! On the way home, I chattered incessantly about everything. It was obviously the Codeine talking but I was the mouth piece. I talked to him about everything from the colors of the car to the plots of Star Trek DS9.  I thought that street lights looked like stars whizzing by the space ship. Finally, Master said “Kitten” and I said “Huh?” and he said “Are you a tired kitten?” and I said “NO!!!!!!!!!!!! Master.  I think I’m high.  Does this wear off?  Oh my… yay.. this is so fun!! I want to have bronchitis forever!!”  He said “Oh, Gaaahd” and slapped his hand to his forehead.  My poor Master.  He brought me home, tucked me in, and I remember nothing else until several hours later.  I’m told that I sang, jumped up and down, and was a consummate fool for the most part, but held myself together well in the pharmacy coming off not as completely high high high in the sky on cough syrup, but instead just incredibly friendly.

    So anyway… Sick Sick Kitten. Hopefully, I’ll start feeling better in a few days. Until then, comedy ensues.


    4 Comments for this post

    Theresa Says:

    Catnip cough syrup! LOL! You poor thing! I hope you feel better soon and I can’t chat you up while doped! I have no way other then emails to find you!

    *pouty face*

    Get better soon!!

    Brain of J Says:

    Awwwww! Poor Kitten. I feel bad for anyone who has to drink cough syrup, no matter how much they enjoy the aftermath… it makes me gag. ugh.

    I agree about finding a good man. Mine is just tops when it comes to taking care of me…

    Kitten Says:

    Aww! Thanks J. I am feeling better now. I don’t like the taste of most cough syrup, but this one wasn’t so bad!

    Good Guys are THE BEST!!


    Kitten Says:

    Theresa! Well, email me and I’ll give you my yahoo thingy! :)


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