How To Shave Your Pussy Like a Porn Star

By Kitten at 8:43 am on November 21, 2025 | 7 Comments

In this lifestyle, one question that will indubitably get asked on many a forum, blog, or site is this one: “How Do You Shave Your Pussy?”

Well, the easy answer is “With a razor.” The Smart Assed Answer is “Most porn stars wax.” But I’m going to really answer the question with this definitive guide to pussy shaving with special notes for curly haired (head hair) girls and mocha-jocha chocolattas like myself because while it may not matter anywhere else in the taming, pruning, and shearing of lady parts, it matters.

So, You Wanna Shave Your Pussy?

Now, before you begin, ask yourself this question. “Do I have time right now to dedicate 30 minutes to an hour to the shaving of my glorious girl bits? Shaving your pussy for the first time or after letting the jungle regrow completely can be a rather time consuming task. It’s not something you want to go at when you’re under a time constraint. Make sure you have plenty of time to dedicate to the tender and delicate disrobing of your sweet spot before you start.

Gather Your Supplies.

Shaving gel for sensitive skin. I use Aveeno shaving gel but you can use whatever you like. I would suggest staying away from overdone scents and artificial colorings. This is a sensitive place we’re talking about here and while frills may be nice for underarms and legs, too much in the girl regions could lead to nasty “denaturing” of the petal flower which leads to an abundance of yeasts and of course the dreaded yeast infection.

A Good Razor. I use a 4 blade Schick with the replaceable heads. A good razor in the $7-10.00 range should do pretty well. I haven’t found that all of those “with aloe” strips and things of that nature do a darn thing when it comes down to the business of it, but hey, I guess it can’t hurt. Make sure your razor head is clean and sharp. Dull just won’t do it. Inspect the blades to make sure none are bent and if you have a razor with guide wires, make sure they’re flush with the blades.

A Mirror. I cannot stress enough how bad of an idea it is go “go by feel” the first time or any time you start to de-muff the muff. You’re working in a close space with a sharp instrument on a slippery surface. Pussy Shaving is no time for edge play!

A Towel.

Some Rubbing Alcohol


Okay, we’re ready to shave, but not so fast. There are a couple of things to think about.

First, what look are you looking for in your Cunt Coiffure? Completely bare? Landing Strip? Age Patch? Triangle? Nike Swoosh? (just do it?) Shaving a design is pretty easy, but you need to think about it up front. Centering the design is critical so you’ll want to get a good look at what’s going on down there before you start cutting back the bush on your bush which brings us to our second point.

Take a good look at the hair and at your skin. Check out the growth patterns, and figure out which way your hair grows. In most women, The hair on the pelvic region grows upward, the hair on the outer labia grows toward the center and the hair of the “taint” area grows upward. The outer labial hairs on the underside of the lip may grow up or down, but seldom grow in the same direction as the hair on the outer labia. This will be important later. Also, do you have any abrasions or sores possibly from heavy play? If so, now might not be the best time to shave.

Now, we’re really ready to start.

Get it Clean

First, wash your pussy and all areas to be shaved with warm water and mild soap. I use Summer’s Eve Wash which is made especially for washing the vaginal area without disrupting the delicate balance. After you’ve washed and dried sit on the side of your tub or in a chair and position your mirror so that you can see the area you’ll be shaving quite well.

Give your trim a trim

If you’ve never shaved or haven’t shaved in a while and your pubic hair 1/4 inch or more long, trim up with some small scissors. Try to get the hair as short as possible before going in with the razor. Be careful and use your towel to keep your pussy as dry as possible while doing preliminary trim up.

Time To Shave

Dip your razor into some alcohol and leave it sit for about 30 seconds. A clean razor means much smaller chance of shaving burn or irritation. Rinse it with water and set it aside. Now, wet your hand and use a barely larger than pea sized amount of shaving gel and apply to one area of your pussy. Don’t try to cover the whole area in shaving cream to start. It makes things too slippery and it’s hard to see what you’re doing. I start with my right outer and labia. You may start where you are comfortable but remember to only put a small amount of shaving cream on the area and shave the pussy in sections. It make take several passes and rinses of the razor before the area is smooth. Don’t try to get it completely smooth. Just remove most of the hair. And remember to mind the gap. It’s slippery down there. Don’t circumcise yourself. No one’s going to be happy if you have a smooth pussy and no clit.

Go with the Grain. Shave in the direction your hair grows. This means, if your outer labia is like mine and grows inward, shave inward. If the upper triangle grows downward, shave downward. Shaving in the direction of growth reduces the possibility of hair bumps, ingrown hairs, and other irritations. Once you have shaved most of the hair off one area of your pussy, repeat this process of dipping the razor into alcohol, rinsing it, and setting it aside while you apply tiny amounts of shaving gel to the other area of your pussy and continue this process until you’ve removed the largest amount of hair from your pussy and labia. Don’t forget your pattern if you chose one.
Now rinse it off, towel dry and take a look at things. You should be able to see where there’s hair and where things are fairly smooth. If there are any large areas still covered with hair, apply shaving cream to them and shave them off. You might still feel prickly but you shouldn’t have any areas with long visible hair. Now it’s time for the shape up work

Shaping Up

After cleaning your razor with alcohol and rinsing it, apply a thin layer of shaving gel to the entire area and begin to shave your entire pussy in the direction of growth. Repeat this process until it’s as smooth as you like. Rinse and dry again and check to see if everything is as smooth as you want it to be. If not, clean the razor, apply another thin layer of shaving gel and try again. Once your pussy is as smooth as you want it, wash with the mild soap again and warm water and then dry by patting, not rubbing and let everything air dry and rejoice in the smoothness of your cunt, which is surely a sight to behold.

Special Notes For Curly Girls and Women of Color

Women of color & Curly haired women may run into trouble when shaving their pussies. By women of color, I mean Black Africans or African Americans, and Mixed Race where part of the mixture is African or African American. Also, if your pussy hair is very curly and coarse rather than straight soft and your head hair is also very naturally curly, you may find yourself having this problem. Black women and women with very coarse natural curly hair will often have ingrown hairs when the hair begins to grow back. The science behind this issue starts in the follicle. For most black women and also most curly haired women with coarse curly hair, the shape of the hair follicle is like a corkscrew and when the hair grows out, it grows out in a curl pattern rather than just straight out. Where this causes an issue sometimes is in the regrowth of pussy hair. The hair could grow back in the direction it came and re-enter the follicle. This is the dreaded ingrown hair. Left untreated, ingrown hairs seldom resolve themselves without becoming, well, itchy and gross. Often, you’ll be able to see the hair itself and and a small pustule sitting on top of it. It looks like a dark pimple. To Treat an ingrown hair, hold a hot cloth to the area and the hair should expose itself. Simply use tweezers to pull the hair free. Don’t dig into your skin. Only pull at the hair if it’s visible. To avoid ingrown hairs, do not stretch or pull the skin extremely taut while shaving.

After Care

The Day after shaving, your pussy could be a little splotchy and red or a little tender. The skin could be sensitive so if at all possible, be good to your bits and give them a day to get used to things. If your pussy gets itchy when your the hair starts to grow back in, try a moisturizer for sensitive skin. If you get the dreaded shave burn, then use something like Bikini-Zone or a cream for soothing shave burn and toss out your razor (if disposable) or the blades as likely a dirty blade was the culprit. A couple of things to keep in mind.. Very fair haired and fair skinned women and women with soft pubic hair will be able to shave almost daily with no problems of ingrown hairs or shaving bumps, however dark haired women or women with coarse pubic hair and also most black women may have a problem with this type of regimen and may need to wait until the hair grows in about an 8th of an inch before shaving to avoid ingrown hairs. Obviously this is personal, a matter of choice, and a decision to be made between you and your pussy.

I hope that this little article has demystifed pussy shaving for you. Now get on out there and shave your kitten and have a ton of fun!

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I’m Not Submissive

By Kitten at 1:31 am on November 19, 2025 | 1 Comment

I know that’s probably a shocker, but it’s true. I do not believe that I am submissive.

I do not have this innate desire to be completed or owned or dominated by a man as a point of natural occurrence within my psyche. It does not and has not come naturally to me. I’ll try to explain it further with a little help. A Gorean Free Woman who calls herself DangrusCurvzzz wrote an essay a long while back called “I am slave” and it was about the different types of slaves. She said, and I’m paraphrasing here, that some women are natural slaves and must serve while others are compelled to service by one man but otherwise are not at all inclined to service. The essay goes so far as to say that if this man were to remove himself from the life of this particular type of slave, she would resume her life as a free person and probably never become enslaved again as it is not her nature to be so kept. Her devotion to this man compels her to submit.

This is where I find myself situated. I am the second type. My slavery does not define me and I believe that without this particular man as my husband and lover, I would likely not a slave at all. I will tell you one more thing. I do believe that my slavery, is to a large degree non-consensual. I am not at all naturally submissive. I do not desire to be a slave. I once did desire it to be sure but that stopped with my last owner. I left that girl in Texas.? Anyway, my current enslavement began as a condition of life with this man I’ve fallen in love with. After I fell for him, he told me quite simply that he could only accept me fully when I came to him on my knees. And so I learned to bend for him, toward him and only for him. I wanted to be in his life badly enough that I learned to stretch in the opposite direction of my nature and submit fully to him in all regards.

Not all women can do this. I didn’t think I could either but I did. He loves me and that is enough to make me accept this life. Accept, but not love. Accept, but not become fully. I have accepted life as a slave though I am not one and I think that in some ways, that makes my slavery more complete. Slavery, for me, does not exist as a natural state. If one desires to be enslaved then how is it really slavery? Slaves don’t choose to serve. The are captured, indentured, and forced to serve. Slaves have their lives interrupted, shocked off course, and then are forced to walk a new road. I believe with my whole heart and mind that this is what happened to me except I wasn’t captured by Maurauders or a band of miscreants. I was captured by the love of a man that I cannot live without. With his love, not fear or chains, he enslaved me. With his heart, he holds me captive and by his love I have been shocked off course and I now walk a new road.

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By Kitten at 6:29 am on November 17, 2025Comments Off

I know I’m about to ruffle a few feathers here but here goes.? In the beginning, I believe that most people submitting in Power Exchange relationships live in is a state of strict servitude rather than slavery.? While our choices may be few, we still have them. While our voices may be small, we still express ourselves and our opinions with a quasi-freedom.? Not much is truly taken away and while we may occasionally suffer for our lifestyles, it is small suffering and generally desired to some degree. Our lives may be steered by our owners but to a large degree we are often still “backseat driving” and that’s fine.? I think that in the beginning, at best, we are aspiring to TPE.? It’s out there on the horizon, but? we’re not yet there.? Submitting in most things? isn’t the same as submitting in all things.? We may eventually get to it, but we don’t start there to be sure.? In most cases, I think the best we can hope for is an Absolute Power Exchange.

I do not deny that I am my Master’s slave. This is what he calls me and that is how I identify in regards to our dynamic but I will tell you unequivocally that I am by no means Totally Enslaved.? I am not brainwashed. I do not eat breath and sleep slavery. I do not live in a Total or Complete power exchange.? To be honest, I don’t think I ever will.? This is the truth. I do believe, however, that I live in Absolute Power Exchange. I believe that my slavery is Absolute.

“Kitten, isn’t that just semantics?? TPE, APE, IE, isn’t it all the same thing after all?”

No, I honestly don’t believe it is. Here’s why. Take a look at the words themselves.? On the surface, Total and Absolute seem to be interchangeable, but beneath their similarities lies a huge difference.

Total, as defined by the Merriam Webster means: ? comprising or constituting a whole; Entire: which is having no part or element left out. To me this? means that in order for a Power Exchange to be a Total Power Exchange, the slavery must exist across every spectrum of life.? ? In my experience, this rarely happens.? I have never met a slave who is such an instrument of her Master’s will that she is this suppressed? so entirely in every moment, to every person, in every way. When reaching for this “Total” moniker, most of us, myself included, are very quick to utter three qualifying words that give us permission to be in the Elite and unquestionable TPE club.? “In Our Dynamic”.? Well, to me, these word betray more than anything and point directly to the very definition of the words Absolute Power Exchange.?

Thumbing back to our dictionary, Absolute is defined as? first, “free from imperfection. pure.” ? (This is not the same as “Whole or Entire”, the definitions of Total) Secondly, Absolute is defined as being governed by, or characteristic of a ruler or authority completely free from constitutional or other restraint.? This is where the words “In Our Dynamic” have the most weight.? Masters, Owners, Dominants, are the rulers and authorities and it is by them that our slavery and submission are governed. This makes most every Power Exchange Absolute rather than Total.? I do believe that we may be totally enslaved within the absolute authority of our Masters but that does not exactly mean the same thing as a total exchange of power, does it? Or does it?

Ponder.. Discuss.? I’m interested in other opinions on this subject.

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Sick, Sick, Girl

By Kitten at 12:25 am on November 14, 2025 | 4 Comments

I’m a sick, sick, girl and I don’t mean that in the good way. Master spent 5 hours in ER with me yesterday and I came home with delicious narcotic cough syrup and anti-nausea meds and a lovely trendy plastic bracelet with my name on it. Yay!? ? During the whole time, Master didn’t want to leave my side. He went with me to x-ray, he stayed with me the entire time I was being treated and was right outside the door telling me he loved me while I got my film done.? It’s so great to have that kind of care.? Women who aren’t owned or aren’t cared for in this way are really missing out.? If a good man is hard to find, then a good Master or dominant must be a near impossibility.? I did find one and I’m not letting him go and hopefully, he won’t let me go either.

I’m sick and on lots of meds so if you chat me up, beware.? I may not have any idea what I’m talking about…and I might not remember that we even spoke.? But I can tell you, it’ll be fun. Ask Master! On the way home, I chattered incessantly about everything. It was obviously the Codeine talking but I was the mouth piece. I talked to him about everything from the colors of the car to the plots of Star Trek DS9.? I thought that street lights looked like stars whizzing by the space ship. Finally, Master said “Kitten” and I said “Huh?” and he said “Are you a tired kitten?” and I said “NO!!!!!!!!!!!! Master.? I think I’m high.? Does this wear off?? Oh my… yay.. this is so fun!! I want to have bronchitis forever!!”? He said “Oh, Gaaahd” and slapped his hand to his forehead.? My poor Master.? He brought me home, tucked me in, and I remember nothing else until several hours later.? I’m told that I sang, jumped up and down, and was a consummate fool for the most part, but held myself together well in the pharmacy coming off not as completely high high high in the sky on cough syrup, but instead just incredibly friendly.

So anyway… Sick Sick Kitten. Hopefully, I’ll start feeling better in a few days. Until then, comedy ensues.

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