Ftiness, Nutrition & Self Improvement
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Slow Start
This morning, I had a slow start of it. I didn’t wake up until 9:30 and when I did wake up, I had such nausea! I didn’t think I was going to make it to the gym. I’m feeling the same way. ugh. Cold hands, cold feet, and just sick sick sick. Maybe it’s because I slept longer than I normally do. Or maybe I took my vitamins on an empty stomach. Either way, I feel almost horrible.
I got my workout done, but I didn’t push myself too hard today. I did everything except my weight circuit. I had a nice sauna, a shower, and I came home to bed. I’ve been feeling so poorly! I have no appetite and I think my nose is turned up like I’m smelling onions. Hopefully after a nice long nap, some of the ickiness will have abated.
I don’t usually nap in the middle of the day, but I don’t feel well enough to work, or do chores. I think napping is the best way to go. :( I hate to rest when there are things that need doing, but Master would say the only thing I need to do currently is take good care of his property, so a nap it is.
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Tuesday, December 14, 2004
"A Little Won't Hurt"
I have to confess something to myself that I daily try to deny.
I, Idunna, all around good girl, eat things that are bad for me often. I took a look at what I ask for in the way of groceries and then compared it to what I actually end up eating most of the time and my choices are quite poor. A lot of times, I’ll use my alloted $ to buy dinner rather than cook, especially if I’ve had a trying day. This is unacceptable, mind you, because I only have an opportunity to cook ONE meal for Master a day and that’s generally only 2-3 days a week.
Mostly, it’s FAR too easy just to order out things that I know Master will love and ease the chore of cooking off of myself. Of course, this is sad because I also end up eating whatever I order for Master and then undo my hard gym work by eating things that are not on my list of acceptable foods. *sigh*
I’ve decided to do better in this by a) Cooking more and ordering out less. b) Taking my own condiments, dressings, and if need be, food, when Master and I have a night out. He’s given me permission to do this and I think I’ve done it once since that time. c) really taking more of an interest in what I’m trying to achieve for myself. All this change is essentially for me so that I feel better and I’ve found that I’m not doing the work that I should. Really, that’s quite sad.
I have to start taking advantage of the opportunities I keep denying myself. Admitting you have a problem is the hardest part, right?
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Time For Change
Today I challenged myself to more time on each of the machines than I had actually scheduled myself to do. I feel that I really did push myself to my physical limit as far as the resistance levels on each machine, but I probably can start to add 5 minutes to the eliptical and 10 minutes to the upright bike without pushing myself past my threshhold. My weight has plateaued so changing the routine is essential. I think by adding 5 or 10 minutes here and working in a resistance band routine, I should be able to break plateau by January.
My body’s shape is changing even if my weight is not. My fat to muscle ratio is definitely changing as I put on more lean muscle and drop more fat. My body feels more lean and my posture has improved greatly over the past few months. And I feel healthier and have greater endurance in all areas of life which, of course, makes me a better servant for my Master.
I have chores still, but today was a good day all in all as far as the trip to the gym goes.
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