daily report
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Slow Start
This morning, I had a slow start of it. I didn’t wake up until 9:30 and when I did wake up, I had such nausea! I didn’t think I was going to make it to the gym. I’m feeling the same way. ugh. Cold hands, cold feet, and just sick sick sick. Maybe it’s because I slept longer than I normally do. Or maybe I took my vitamins on an empty stomach. Either way, I feel almost horrible.
I got my workout done, but I didn’t push myself too hard today. I did everything except my weight circuit. I had a nice sauna, a shower, and I came home to bed. I’ve been feeling so poorly! I have no appetite and I think my nose is turned up like I’m smelling onions. Hopefully after a nice long nap, some of the ickiness will have abated.
I don’t usually nap in the middle of the day, but I don’t feel well enough to work, or do chores. I think napping is the best way to go. :( I hate to rest when there are things that need doing, but Master would say the only thing I need to do currently is take good care of his property, so a nap it is.
Idunna's Day to Day • Ftiness, Nutrition & Self Improvement • The Way I Feel • daily report • (0) Comments • (0) Trackbacks • Permalink
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Time For Change
Today I challenged myself to more time on each of the machines than I had actually scheduled myself to do. I feel that I really did push myself to my physical limit as far as the resistance levels on each machine, but I probably can start to add 5 minutes to the eliptical and 10 minutes to the upright bike without pushing myself past my threshhold. My weight has plateaued so changing the routine is essential. I think by adding 5 or 10 minutes here and working in a resistance band routine, I should be able to break plateau by January.
My body’s shape is changing even if my weight is not. My fat to muscle ratio is definitely changing as I put on more lean muscle and drop more fat. My body feels more lean and my posture has improved greatly over the past few months. And I feel healthier and have greater endurance in all areas of life which, of course, makes me a better servant for my Master.
I have chores still, but today was a good day all in all as far as the trip to the gym goes.
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