So, someone finally asked the question so I thought I’d answer as a post, this being “Question Month” and all. I didn’t participate in Q & A month, but I’m always happy to answer questions so if you have questions, fire away and I’ll blog the answers!

But anyway, TQM asked the question…

TQM March 18th, 2008 1:18 pm

I’m astounded that I’m the only one asking this’.  what’s the rest of the list?

Ah! The rest of the list! Well, here we go. This is the rest of the list of guys I’d likely leave Master to pursue. These are men he knows I lust for and honestly would bid me my happiness should the chance to live a happy life with any of these men come about. Being that most of them are married and one of them is dead,? Oh, and they’re all famous, the likelihood that he’d ever have to make good on his promise to let me go freely with one of the guys an the list is slim to none. But on to the list…

Kitten’s MILMFs

1. Jeff Goldblum

2. Michael McDonald

3. George Washington (The Dead One… yes the first president of the USA and no, I don’t know why and yes, there are fantasies.)

4. Dr. Michael Manga (Oh, Holy GOD “Planetary Scientist & Geophysicist. Sexy Sexy Science Man’)

5. Dr. Michio Kaku (hot, hot, HOT, Theoretical Physicist!)

6. Chef Mario Batali, who my master actually resembles especially with the long hair and the red beard. Plus, he can cook. Um, sexy!
7. Jon Stewart, but in honesty, this would be more of a one night stand or friends with benefits situation I wouldnt LEAVE entirely for Jon.

8. Michael Shanks & Christopher Judge, Its a Stargate thing and yes, they count as one person. One without the other just doesnt work.

9. Dr. Reef Karim, M.D. He’s a pretty famous psychiatrist. Something about having a man who will dominate me while he’s telling what’s going on in my psyche to make me want it and powerless to resist the desire for it is hot.

There are a lot of scientists on my list because I’m a geeky kind of science girl myself and let’s face it, physics is just about the sexiest topic on the planet, people. Get on Board.

Jeff Goldblum is in the High IQ club and so is Jon Stewart.

Christopher Judge and Michael Shanks stroke my Geek-Clit. Chef Mario Batali is just hot to me. Michael McDonald, well, it’s the voice AND I have a thing for men who go grey prematurely. Master’s 33 and he has the sweet little white streaks at the temple and I tell him all the time how sexy they are to me.

That leaves George Washington to explain and I have no explanation for that one.

Photos in order of Kittenish Lusting…

jeffgoldblum.jpg michaelmcdonald1.jpg georgewashington.jpg drmanga1.jpg 225px-michiokaku_commons.jpg

images.jpg jonstewart.jpg michaelshanks.jpg christopherjudge.jpg drreef.jpg

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