Tackbras are from the devil, kinda…

By Kitten at 8:15 pm on June 26, 2008 | 6 Comments

We don’t play a lot and most of my slavery is based on service so it’s easy to forget that my owner is actually a bit more sadistic than I like to think.

So a couple of weeks ago, we were sitting around and I was reading kaya’s blog and I said (mostly to myself), “Oh wow.. that fucking tack bra again. She’s INSANE!!”

Master looked up from his book and said “What was that, Kitten?”

“Oh, nothing Master. Just looking at kaya’s crazy blog. She made a bra with tacks in it and her owner makes her wear it sometimes and it just looks really painful. I think I could handle the spiky spatula better than that tack bra…”

Master replies “And she made it?”

“Yeah, she made it. she’s crazy.. she’s always making things for her owner to hurt her with and coming up with stuff.. WHY would you do that? I wouldn’t do that…”

At no point does it occur to me that I’m being way to free and easy with this information. At no point does “SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP” even cross my mind. We rock on and talk more and I find myself describing how easy it would be to make a tack bra. How easy it would be to even convert that idea to say, TACK PANTIES. Master just keeps asking questions in a sweet and unassuming voice and I keep answering them like an idiot.

We went to bed. It was no big deal. I didn’t think of it again until Master and I were out shopping a few days ago and he said “Let’s go to the hardware area…”

He got light bulbs, some dremel attachments I wanted, some upholstery tacks, a hacksaw blade, a can of pressurized air… he looked at a shop fan and decided not to get it. I’m mindlessly pushing the buggy not even thinking about anything.

We got home and Master put everything away and tossed me the tacks. That’s when it all came together. So I spent the night making a tack bra and a pair of tack panties as well. I tried to figure out ways to make it less painful. there’s no way to do that. I tried to figure out how to make less of the tacks poke through the fabric. There’s no way to do that. I tried to figure out how to make Master think this was a bad idea. I knew there was no way to do that. It was a proven method. kaya beta tested it on herself! So I finished the construction of the two garments and put them on. I cringed and hissed and Master grinned and slapped my breasts and tried to shield my breast but it didn’t help. Master was happy. I was worried.

The next day, I had to wear them both on a 4 hour round trip that included a trip to MY MOTHER’S HOUSE. I got hugged by people and couldn’t hide the pain on my face. I sat more still than I ever have in my life. I didn’t talk much. Didn’t move. The jerks of the car were agony. As soon as I got used to the inserts in one position, he made me remove them and change the position. There was no peace. But by the time we got home, the little pricks here and there were less difficult to bear. I didn’t like it, but I didn’t hate it.

When we got home, I messaged kaya on fetlife and said

“Master made me make tack bra inserts and I don’t know whether to hug you or kick dirt at ya.”

She responded and shared my love/hate.

I love you, kaya. but keep your painful ideas out of my head! :)

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Summer Clean-Through

By Kitten at 8:13 am on June 23, 2008 | No comments

Well, I’ll be back in 3 days. Master’s having me clean the cottage from one end to the other in a way I can only describe as the wet dream of an OCD sufferer.

It’s less cleaning and more tossing out of junk we’ll never use again ever and getting everything organized, cleaning the carpet, and scrubbing all the floors with a steel bristle brush.

So I’ll be back in three days. :)


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Food Processor

By Kitten at 10:17 am on June 20, 2008 | 3 Comments

So helpful you all were on the Bread maker post, I thought I’d try again, but this time, for a Food Processor. I need one that chops and doesn’t turn everything into mush or goo. The one I have now, no matter what blade I use, just turns everything into mush or goo. I’d like one with a dough paddle attachment.

If you have a food processor and you like it, tell me all about the one you have. If you have some other way of chopping, mixing, mincing, or grinding large quantities of whatever, tell me about that as well. I’d prefer an electric FP rather than one of the ones you crank by hand.

Talk about it.

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Technical Difficulties.

By Kitten at 11:17 pm on June 19, 2008 | 1 Comment

until I get spambot 3000 working properly, I have to self moderate all the comments. It might take it a bit to show up but eventually, it will.


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