Friday, December 24, 2004

New Orders

I have new standing orders.  Master has been made aware of all of my health problems and knows what transpired yesterday at my dialysis treatment so I’m being ordered to pay even more attention to my health.  I have a bedtime.  Midnight.  In bed and relaxing if not sleeping.  I can read a book until I fall asleep but nothing that would stimulate me too much.  I have to sleep at least 7 hours a night.

I have two guided meditations to complete nightly before bed.  I have to get back on my kidney safe diet and stay on it. I have to get to the gym or at least work out four days a week.  I must drink all the water I should.  He doesn’t want to lose me.

The other rather whimsical thing that I must do is house break my dog.  I am forbidden to buy another package of puppy pads.  no more puppy pads.  He has to learn to go outside.  This is day two and he hasn’t made any accidents.  I take him out first thing in the morning, then after his meals and then for the last time at 10pm.  I take up his food and water at 8 PM.  Admittedly, It’ll be easier than cleaning up accidents and mopping every day.  I’m hopeful. 2 days.. no accidents.

Last night, when Master called, I understood really how deeply he loves me.  He wouldn’t let me make excuses about sleep or doing what he said.  He said “Idunna… I don’t even want to hear it and don’t yeah yeah, I know’ me either.” I feel his love and it radiates through me.  He’ll return here on Saturday, after spending Christmas day with his Step Father.  Sunday night he’ll go out with an Army friend.  Monday he takes me to a dental appointment where he’ll get to actually talk to my dentist and start to devise what will be my dental treatment plan. 

He said that there’s no reason to try to get my few cavities filled if I’m not done with the bulimia, but I am done with that. I don’t need to do it anymore.  So I’m back at the dentist getting things taken care of.

I can’t express how deeply I love my Master.  Not with words.  i’m trying with actions.  My life is so full because of him.. because of Us. 

Life and laughter at christmas.. it’s a beautiful thing.

Posted by idunna on 12/24 at 09:05 AM
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Thursday, December 23, 2004

Dentist appointments

My dentist appointment was cancelled because my dentist was arrested for murdering his wife 14 years ago and his girlfriend recently.

Holy Cats!

Posted by idunna on 12/23 at 11:07 AM
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Wednesday, December 22, 2004

She's Crafty?

Master bought two rolls of duct tape.  I am to fashion a flogger from two rolls of industrial duct tape, a 11 inch dowel rod, and various household items.

Is there a book on this? :p

Posted by idunna on 12/22 at 06:18 PM
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Amaaazing Day...

Today is one of the days I just have to write about…

Master and I spent the morning and early afternoon together today because he goes on his trip tonight.  I’m sad.  He left a few hours ago, but It’s only overnight and then he’ll be back. I won’t have to miss him that much because He definitely left me something to remember him by!  Holy Cats!

Thigh spankings in the car, kisses, bites, amazing.  I can’t even describe how much I was tingling the whole time we were out doing errands. When we got home, I was immediately on my knees worshiping his manhood and then I assumed the position.  THE BEST spanking of my life with a deliciously large vibrator poised inside just far enough to be ecstacy.  Hands grasping ankles and ass high.  It was amazing.  The orgasm brought me to my knees, ass up and flower unprotected, he spanked me there as well… I had tears, it was so good.  He let me climb on top finally and the sex was amazing.  I was begging for things I never even thought I’d like, but he paid close attention and was very careful with me. 

Discovery of the day?  Evidently I have a Slapping Fetish! 

Anyway, I was utterly spent after the session and after serving Master a beverage, I fell asleep, as usual, with my head on his chest.  He woke me when it was time for him to leave and after a 20 minute goodbye kiss, he was on the road to South Carolina.

I miss him entirely but the slight spanking bruises are a comfort.  I know he’ll be back soon.

Posted by idunna on 12/22 at 06:05 PM
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